Talos events
This is the basic documentation for exposing the Akka circuit breaker events. For more abstract solution go to advanced.
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.vaslabs.talos" %% "taloscore" % "2.1.0",
"org.vaslabs.talos" %% "talosakkasupport" % "2.1.0"
Usage example
This library provides a way to stream events on what’s happening in the circuit breakers. You can do:
import akka.actor.typed.{ActorSystem, ActorRef}
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.adapter._
import akka.pattern.CircuitBreaker
import cats.effect.IO
import talos.circuitbreakers.TalosCircuitBreaker
import talos.circuitbreakers.akka._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
def createCircuitBreaker(name: String = "testCircuitBreaker")(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]):
AkkaCircuitBreaker.Instance = {
2 seconds,
5 seconds
Now you can use the circuit breaker via the TalosCircuitBreaker type class.
import talos.events.TalosEvents.model.CircuitBreakerEvent
def circuitBreakerUsage(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem[_]): Unit = {
val myCircuitBreaker: TalosCircuitBreaker[CircuitBreaker, ActorRef[CircuitBreakerEvent], IO] = createCircuitBreaker()
val unsafeCall = IO(println("I'm running inside the circuit breaker"))
Now circuit breaker events arrive in the akka event stream.
Legacy support
If you are working on a legacy code and you don’t want to change every method call you can extract the underlying circuit breaker like this
def legacyUsage(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem[_]): Unit = {
val myCircuitBreaker: TalosCircuitBreaker[CircuitBreaker, ActorRef[CircuitBreakerEvent], IO] = createCircuitBreaker()
val akkaCircuitBreaker: akka.pattern.CircuitBreaker = myCircuitBreaker.circuitBreaker.unsafeRunSync()
akkaCircuitBreaker.callWithSyncCircuitBreaker(() => println("I'm running inside the circuit breaker"))
And you still get the events through the akka event stream.
ADT of the events under:
import talos.events.TalosEvents.model._
You can consume these events and create your own metrics or you can use taloskamon for getting metrics in Kamon out of the box.